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Mighty Vision Of The Glorious Coming Of THE MESSIAH, And A Big Storm & Historic Flooding Coming

Summary of the Prophecy:

"The LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me. I want to share this conversation with all the listeners globally The LORD JEHOVAH Elohim, JEHOVAH Hashopet The JUDGE The One that will summon the nations to the Valley of Jehoshaphat The Valley of JEHOVAH The JUDGE. He spoke with me this night and in this conversation there are two conversation that are very significant. This past night The LORD visited me in a very Mighty, Mighty way. Significant conversations two. The first conversation The LORD had with me is when HE finally showed me CHRIST The MESSIAH Coming. He Again Now showed me CHRIST The MESSIAH Coming. When I saw The LORD Coming. The Voice said HE is accompanied by a lot of Heavenly Host. So I saw a lot of Heavenly Host. The LORD lifted me up in the sky and I saw CHRIST THE MESSIAH The Redeemer Coming in the Clouds with the Glorious entourage of Glory and Glorious entourage, serious envoy, The Voice of The LORD said HE is accompanied by Heavenly Host. It is a tremendous thing the LORD has spoken to me about, it shocked me it is crystallizing the announcement of The Coming of The MESSIAH. He lifted me up in the sky, CHRIST The KING is coming with the Heavenly Host, they accompany HIM as HE Comes for the glorious church.

He spoke to me about the current Judgment of The LORD on July 25, 2017 that I spoke about the Tremendous Historic Judgment of The LORD to the Americas, The Islands and The Caribbean and The United States of America. On this conversation to take the glorious church without stain and without wrinkle. The LORD spoke the entire NIGHT The LORD literally talked to me about the storm to the Islands and the USA BIG flood, flooding The LORD first showed me a man that is holding an animal, grey fur, animal with grey fur, this animal is being sacrificed in the island and it is filthy l to see. The LORD is going up against witchcraft in these Islands. The Anger of The LORD has been stirred up by The LORD. Witchcraft is idolatry and is evil, worshiping another so called power, or spirit or whatever. HE is coming to strike the witchcraft in the Caribbean again, this time around it is going to be unbelievable. HE showed me the storm, now this is going to be worse because of the debris. The visibility is very low, metals, wood swung around in the wind. HE showed me a tall building don't know whether it is Puerto Rico. Reach almost second floor of the building, the flood. The entire city is under siege. This time around it is a lot of water HE is going to submerge them The Wrath is coming to the Islands The Caribbean and The United States of America. The Ocean is in complete obedience to obey the Mightiest Prophet of The LORD for failure to obey this Voice this time around the Americas the Islands of the Caribbean and The United States of America they will never ignore this Voice again. The LORD is determined they will never to ignore this Voice again. The LORD is going to compel them.

The top leadership in The US has spoken with me. The ocean has repented, you can see, because man has refused to Repent in the island The Caribbean and now there is a Big Flood, the entire city is under siege. The Entire City is under Siege, it is going to be a tremendous moment for awakening then The Americas, Island Caribbean, and the USA. I have been to Dominic Republic, Santiago, also close to Haiti when I brought the prophecy of the Haiti Earthquake. The LORD raised the issue of sexual sin, homosexuality lesbianism and witchcraft. If I remember well November 2009.. before it happened on January 2010, they know me, they know my Voice. I see somebody with an animal and has grey fur and they are sacrifices, I am telling you no amount of witchcraft will save you from The Wrath of The LORD. The reason The LORD is doing this that The MESSIAH IS Coming. He spoke with me about The heavenly Host, he is coming with pomp and color as a triumphant KING. He is not coming to argue with the Pharisees and Sadducee, He is coming for a glorious church that is living in righteousness. He spent the entire night speaking to me about The Storm. The debris is so bad when I spoke and in the event they did not Repent. He that speaks with you The Mighty Prophet of JEHOVAH Yahweh The Mighty Prophet of Israel. I see the water, it comes up to second floor, that is the amount of surging The LORD is going to do. You will hear this in national news, the entire city will be under flood. This is a warning to the United States of America that you cannot ignore this Voice. I have been to Trinidad and Tobago and they have not had a national Repentance.

The Bible speaks very Isaiah 3:13:

"The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people...."

Very clearly this is what The LORD says,

Houston Texas, Chicago, This kind of defiled worship that leads to hell, HE is coming to purify The Worship, He is talking about standing up and Judging. The foreign worship immorality, abortions, where young women are running around with pastors. The LORD is coming up and will purge off this. The homosexuality in the army, and they can get married. Since when can that happen before The LORD. Only The LORD has Created the earth.

Psalms 50:4:

"He shall call to The Heavens from above, and to the earth, that HE may judge His people."

The LORD is rising up to assert His Authority. The MESSIAH is Coming. The call to Repent went out July 25, 2017.

Hebrews 6:4-6 It is IMPOSSIBLE... For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the Heavenly gift, and were made partakers of The Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of GOD, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

Very Powerful important Scripture when The LORD is coming to purge. The Ocean is in Complete obedience to The WORDS of The Mightiest Prophet of JEHOVAH, This stands out as a strong warning to all other nations that are listening. Hebrews 6:4-6 It is IMPOSSIBLE for those who were once enlightened and have tasted The Heavenly Gift and be partakers of The HOLY GHOST, these are the benchmarks, HE is saying...those are the people that have been Born Again at one point in time and have received The Instructions of The HOLY Scriptures. The Truth of GOD is The LORD IS HOLY. The Truth is that The LORD JESUS HE died on The Cross to deliver us from sin and The HOLY SPIRIT has come to instruct us to overcome sin. Those who have even understood, tasted the goodness of The WORDS of GOD He is addressing the church, if they fall away, you cannot continue abusing The Grace in America and the Island of the Caribbean. The LORD has brought The Voice of the Angle of JUDEGMENT who is going across the earth, Preparing The Way for The Coming of The MESSIAH.

The Gift of Salvation of CHRIST JESUS to demonstrate and give us hope, that yes death has been defeated. You have received JESUS and then you go back to the Christian TV of the USA false prophets, false preachers horizontal earthly gospel, not unto The Coming of The MESSIAH, just how to live well and to live on this earth it has become a shame and a disgrace...they have crucified The Son of GOD all over again, The Islands of The Caribbean have taken The Glorious Gospel of JESUS ... you can see this earth has so much travail, sickness, so much unrest, deception everything, but they have taken The Glorious GOSPEL The ONLY HOPE for The world they have turned it around and commercialized it. They deliberately made a disconnect from The Holiness of The LORD, now they have entered the realm of The Judgement of The LORD. So you cannot..

Hebrews 9:28, CHRIST was sacrificed once to take away sins.

Hebrews 9:28: "So also CHRIST was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring Salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for Him."

This is a tremendous moment in the history of the church the hour when HE is shaking the United SA island of Caribbean warning the other nations, at this hour you cannot abuse the Gospel of Grace, blatant abuse of The Grace. The sheep are without a shepherd in the Islands of The Caribbean the islands of the America in the land of USA, Canada is on standby, Latin America on standby. HE says, for the church that could have been the light of the nation, it is now corruption, and strange worship and has happened in the eyes of The LORD and HE is taking notes and The Coming of The MESSIAH is Coming nearer.

Last night I saw CHRIST my KING Coming with His Heavenly Host. Look at the History of The USA they set out they would establish as a Christian Country, but look how secularism, atheism, LGBT, alcoholism, immorality has consumed the nation of the United States of America to the extent to be a conservative is a dirty word. If you stand for The Biblical Truth they will storm you, the media will storm you. This is the HOUR for Worship one way or another. The USA will learn they were created by a Creator who is above The United States of America above the immorality of the Caribbean The Created must worship the Creator. The Voice that Prepares The Way for The Glorious Coming of The MESSIAH. The Voice of The LORD is over the ocean, over the nation and they must REPENT.

I warn you Kenya, the wrath of GOD is preparing.. him to much is given much is expected. You cannot display complacency and abuse because The LORD will hold you to account. So Kenya you make sure your righteousness is sustained. Your fear of GOD is towered High that HE may not go against you.

Isaiah 40:10 The LORD is coming out with power now, to give them hope to save them from suffering..

Isaiah 40:10:

"Yes, the Sovereign Lord is coming in power. He will rule with a powerful arm. See, He brings His reward with Him as He comes."

The Sovereign LORD comes with Power. Revelation 22:12 This is what HE says. Behold I am Coming Soon, My Reward is with Me and I will give to everyone to what he has done. So this is the HOUR when The LORD is announcing to the nations of the earth be on standby The MESSIAH is Coming. This is the most awaited moment ever since the MESSIAH went to The Cross. this is the final stretch toward The Grand Finale, this is the moment in which ever person was created for The Coming of The MESSIAH. At this hour now you can repent and receive CHRIST JESUS.

Isaiah 62:11:

"The LORD has sent this message to every land: “Tell the people of Israel, ‘Look, your Savior is coming. See, He brings His reward with him as he comes.’”

I have seen The Coming The MESSIAH, this is The Voice from The Throne Room of GOD, behold The MESSIAH is Coming Prepare Ye The Way, turn away from your wayward wicked ways, Repent and turn away from sin and go back to righteousness and holiness in CHRIST JESUS, because I have seen The Return of The MESSIAH. This is The Voice that was promised in Scripture this is The Voice that promises to awaken the nations. You can see the tremendous astronomical power do not ignore this Voice, every creation the mountains, trees, rocks, humanity receive CHRIST JESUS, turn away from sin and prepare in their hearts. The Voice says The Heavenly host accompanied Him, the city is right now under siege from the flood, Those who have ears may your wisdom help you The MESSIAH is Coming. Amen.

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"A voice of one calling: "In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God." (Isaiah 40:3)

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