Live via October 6th, 2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.
The LORD has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me this past night, beloved people. In this past nights conversation, I see a very, very severe earthquake. There is a very, very, extremely severe, a very, very, severe earthquake that is coming to the Earth. When I look at this area, the place where the LORD asked me to touch my finger, and point at and the earthquake took place.
Again, I see a very, very severe earthquake coming to the Earth. And the place where the LORD, Jehovah Yahweh, Jehovah Elohim, asked me to point my finger at and the earthquake took place; a very, very severe earthquake. That place it is a country. I see black people in that country, at least dark complexion. It is also a country that I see security and so forth, in the country. I see a lot of details of that country.
Again, this past night, the LORD Jehovah, He brought me to a place and He asked me to pass the judgment of the LORD over that land by pointing on that land with my left prophetic finger. And the place where the LORD Jehovah asked me to point my prophetic finger to is a country –I see arrangements there– it is a security situation there but they always have security issues, also, because I see some greater detail.
So, I see that country and after that there was a very, very severe a very extremely, very severe earthquake that took place there. And the LORD after He asked me to speak to that land – – judgment – – the Judgment of the LORD Jehovah. Then He went on to show me this earthquake; the extent, extensiveness, how it would take place throughout. The whole conversation is a very long conversation that lasted quite a few hours showing me the rocks, the tumbling of the buildings, and all that: how it will take place.
So, the LORD is asking the nations of the Earth to repent, because of the time in which we are operating at this moment, at this hour. The need for the nations to embrace righteousness and holiness and prepare the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah. Now the Bible promised this kind of distress. In the book of Matthew 24, when the LORD Jesus had just walked out of the temple, and as He walked out of the temple His disciples approached Him and asked Him, “LORD, what will be the sign of your return, of the Christ’s return, the return of the LORD’s Christ, the coming of the Messiah. And what also will be the signs of the end of the age.”
So they addressed two events. And then among the landmark, the spiritual landmark He put in place for them in that belovedness, in that releasing of the secrets of Heaven to the church to the disciples. He said, ‘One of the signs will be earthquake that would take place, historic earthquake.’ And now we are at least aware that when the LORD was saying so, He was essentially seeing He that speaks with you come and instruct those earthquakes.
But prior to the LORD showing me the earthquake, which can give you a little glimpse of where it will take place, prior to the LORD showing me the judgment that He asked me to pass upon that land I see a challenge. I saw he that speaks with you. I saw a challenge, a security challenge, on the Servant of the LORD. I see that there was blackmail on the Servant of the LORD. Even there were threats to his life. And then, the LORD now asked me to bring judgment of an earthquake to that land; where that Kenya has been at the forefront of this.
So, this is a time at which to be very responsible. Because no country from the LORD (transmission) people terrible after that prior to the LORD speaking this tremendous earthquake onto the land. I saw that there were a lot of challenges on the Man of God, a lot of challenges. Trying, you know, some people trying to blackmail him, people were trying to harm him and then the LORD’s responds in that form.
And I know that Kenya has been in the forefront of this.
So, this is the time to have repentance because no country can bear one hit from the LORD. It is just as important to be responsible when the voice of the LORD is in the land. Again, I
have seen tremendous earthquake, shocking. So He spent quite a few hours find me the devastation of the earthquake. And this the LORD said is coming because of the blackmail that took place over His Servant all the time, challenges…you know, this kind of…almost abuse, in the land despite the goodness that has been revealed, and shown the benefits the that land has received. So, it is going to be in a country, I see black people, people of dark complexion. I see that that country has that kind of security challenge. And I see blackmail. I see that the Servant of the LORD is not honored, and so the LORD became angry, and asked him to pass judgment. And then I see an unbelievable earthquake strike the land. But I want to say here that no country can take a hit from the LORD, or an earthquake or the Judgment of the LORD, because it can be absolutely unbearable.
Can not!
You cannot handle it!
So, I see a land. And I see the Judgment of the LORD the earthquakes, tremendous earthquakes hit that land. So this is the hour to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. The hour for people to be very responsible. It doesn’t matter the color of people, but responsibility is a must. Because the voice of the LORD is in the land. So, I see these things happen on the Earth.
Again, I see a tremendous earthquake coming to the Earth and the country looks to me more like this dark complexion, because I see a lot of details a lot of details there, inside there. But this is the time for all the nations, those who are wise to prepare in righteousness to turn away from sin. And, of course, blackmailing the servant of the LORD.
Mexico, one of the problems they had was blackmailing, attempting, attempting to blackmail because no body can. But attempting to blackmail he that speaks with you, the Servant of the LORD, the Mighty Prophet of the LORD. And the repercussions were unbelievable until today.
And so, Mexico stands out as an example of that. Let us obey. Let us heed. The LORD is God. Those that obey He helps. Those that turn out against Him, it gets hurtful. It gets very hurtful. It is very destructive, because this is the time when the LORD is establishing His agenda on the Earth.
The Messiah is coming.
I have seen the coming of the Messiah.
Those who have ears, may you listen to the Voice of the LORD and be saved to see the eternal glorious Kingdom of Jehovah.